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Why is Your Car Overheating? 7 Possible Explanations


The state of a car’s condition reflects the responsibility level of the owner. You may have missed that “H” indicator on your dashboard that shows your vehicle is overheating.

Overheating in cars implies that the engine’s cooling system is unable to absorb and dissipate heat effectively.

So, What Causes Car Overheating?

Overheating is a sign that you should give immediate attention to your engine. Here are some of the reasons behind your car overheating.

1. Cooling System Leakage

The most common cause of car overheating is leaking in the cooling system. The cooling system contains a coolant that absorbs, transmits and dispels the heat produced by the engine during fuel combustion.

Leaks in the cooling system may occur in the hoses, water pumps, and the radiator. A drastic drop in coolant levels after refilling may indicate leakage.

2. Coolant Problems

Another cause of overheating is fluctuations and imbalances of your coolant. Using the wrong coolant may cause ineffective cooling of your engine. The coolant concentration also plays a role in cooling your car engine.

An imbalanced concentration of water and coolant will cause your engine to overheat.

3. Blocked Hoses

In case there are no leaks or coolant issues, the overheating may be a result of blocked hoses. The hoses responsible for transmitting the coolant may accumulate dust and other debris that interfere with the fluid flow.

Hose blockage causes ineffective transmission of the coolant to various engine parts, thus overheating.

4. Damaged Radiator

The radiator is the primary cooling unit of your engine. Overheating may, therefore, result in problems with your radiator.

A debris-clogged radiator will prove inefficient in cooling your engine or fail all the same. Other radiator-related issues may include a broken radiator fan.

A broken fan is unable to reduce the coolant’s temperature leading to an overheating engine.

5. Broken Water Pumps

The water pump is responsible for propelling the coolant throughout the engine. A broken pump means an interrupted flow of the coolant in the engine.

Water pump problems such as pipe leaks and broken pump shafts may be the culprits responsible for overheating.

6. Thermostat Issues

The thermostat handles regulating the coolant flow to the radiator. A faulty thermostat impedes the flow of the coolant through the radiator.

A broken thermostat hinders the dissipation of heat from the coolant, thus leading to overheating issues. Failure to address a fractured thermostat may lead to substantial mechanical problems that may force you to sell your junk car.

7. Loose Belts

Loose or broken pump belts hinder the regulation of the amount of coolant flow. Irregular flow amounts of the coolant will result in overheating of your jalopy’s engine.

Please Do Something About It z

After learning the causes of overheating, what are you willing to do about it? Take care of your car before it turns into a jalopy that you’ll end up dumping at the car yard.

Ignoring mechanical issues and indicators lead to significant losses that will coerce you to sell your junk car. Don’t ignore the signs and get your engine checked out, or sell it as is to IBJV today! Contact us.

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